American Journal of Chemical Engineering

Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024

  • Research Article

    Enhanced Hydrophobicity and Oleophilicity of Modified Activated Carbons Derived from Agro-Wastes Biomass for the Removal of Crude Oil from Aqueous Medium

    Ukpong Anwana Abel*, Otu Gabriel Ekanem, Oboh Innocent Oseribho, Uzono Romokere Isotuk, Akwayo Iniobong Job, Inyang Udeme Ibanga

    Issue: Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
    Pages: 80-96
    Received: 2 June 2024
    Accepted: 18 September 2024
    Published: 29 September 2024
    DOI: 10.11648/j.ajche.20241204.11
    Abstract: Crude oil spillage has tremendous environmental impacts and poses severe pollution problems worldwide due to the continuous activities and operations in the oil and gas sector. This has resulted in the urgent need for clean-up techniques such as the use of natural adsorbents which is considered a relatively low-cost, readily-available, efficient, e... Show More